After all the rain on the weekend, we didn't go back out to the block until Tuesday....boy oh boy...the ground was dry...and the water had started to disappear.
So out we went again on Wednesday...still alot of water in the dug outs but it was slowly going away. That afternoon we got a call from out CSC telling us that we had been put on hold....that was understandable considering the amount of water that was still in the cutouts.
We elected not to go on Thursday, so Friday lunchtime we headed off to the block after Tony had finished work, prepared to bail water out of the dugouts, took Mia with us...went to KFC to get some lunch and out to the block.
Surprise, surprise! They were in the middle of putting our pipes and our meter box in, so we sat in the car on the block next door eating our lunch and watched them working. The water in the garage, porch and veranda must have gone cos they were dug over, meanwhile the alfresco was still underwater, they were actually going around the 'pool'.
Tony called our CSC while we were at the block and left a message for her, so when we got home i sent off an email letting her know that we had work happening on the block...she called me back within half an hour, she'd gone chasing, now we have a forcast finish date for the wednesday....
...we looked at each other and thought...'holy crap' the alfresco is not going to dry out before then, so back we went to the block at 5, it took us just over 2 1/2hrs to empty the alfresco out.
I was helping until i kept getting stuck in the mud..fell over and nearly ended up in the water...luckily i was near the edge and landed on the bucket with my arm...smashed it to pieces...uh more i was not going to end up wet. We found a couple of empty plaster buckets on the site next door so we used them, Tony in the water filling up two buckets, then giving me the third bucket to empty...this went on until 7ish then we had visitors to the block so i played hostess while Tony kept on working...Adee and his fiance had arrived by then after visiting their block at Mandalay so Adee helped his father finish the water.
8.30pm they finished it was getting rather dark by then...we deceided that pizza was in order for dinner..too late to go home and actually cook something.
Thank you Adrian for your help :)
The offending pool of water in the Alfresco
View from the back of the block, note the pipes on the RHS
The now empty waterhole.