Monday, January 25, 2010

Not a lot has happened since the last post.
We are STILL waiting to start building.
BUT today we received our Certificate of Insurance through the post, so i guess thats a step in the right direction.
Apparently the results of our "new" soil test should be available this week...maybe then we can get our Building Permit and set the ball rolling.

So what have we been doing in the mean is what we've been doing, and lots of it too :)

As you know we sold our house mid 09, and settled at the end of September, since then we are living with our son Adrian (Twiggy) and his fiance Ashleigh, while our daughter Kelly has moved in with my mum on the other side of town.
We sold the house for alot more than we thought we would, so therefore we have been able to indulge and buy furniture, some we have taken possession of while other pieces have been placed on order to be made late March. 
All our household possessions are in storage, so anything we buy has to also go into the rate we're going we are going to have to get another container...but we have been wise little shoppers and have managed to get nearly everything at a discount price..for something to do the other day we added up everything we've bought or ordered and worked out that we have saved 30% off the full price.

And before you ask...No, we haven't just bought things for the sake of buying them...we have moved out of a townhouse and are going into a 37sq house...alot of the rooms would be empty, couldn't have that now, could we?

Our latest buy was a 4 piece outdoor lounge setting...we went shopping with Adrian looking for items for him, when we saw this was comfy to sit in and a very good price....we ummed and arred and said okay...especially as it comes flat packed, which will make it easier to store.

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