It took awhile but Tony and I finally went through the 2500 odd pics taken on our 07 European holiday...this was a mighty undertaking as we had to choose 22 pics to go into our frames in the hallway.
Sound easy...not probably 95% of the pics taken were taken in Landscape, we needed only 6 landscape photos for the trying to decide which of the other pics would come up well as a portrait was daunting.
I'm a bit of an catagorising nut, so all our pics were sorted into countries, then into places...this actually made it easier to go through them......we sat down together and went through them, writing down the ones we liked and whether they were landscape or portrait. This process took a few weeks, only cos we had days where we didn't look at them.....ended up with 95 photos...not we used our printers program and rotated the photos to see how they would come up as portrait, we had no say in the finished pic.
Then we made up for definates and one for possibilities.....actually ended up with 25 defs and 8 possibles....more decisions to make....finally ended up with our 22 pics.
So, last night while Tony was at work i printed them off and framed i have said in a previous post, some of the bigger frames were not standard sizes, we ended up buying white cardboard and putting that behind the photos to fill in the gaps. I also made up some name plates to say where the pic was taken and in what country.
Hanging them was interesting as the hooks in the back of the frames are all set at different heights...but...on the whole the frames line up pretty evenly. It definately changes the look of the it :D
very nice