Friday, December 24, 2010


Purchased our 'Blushing Pink' Iceberg standards onWednesday along with some French Lavander......Planted them all by myself with Tonys help...and blow me down if the next day (thurday) didn't blow a pleased to announce that they are all still in the ground.  :)

Part 1 of the garden done....part 2 will be awhile.

Next job will be the putting together of the 3 sheds, lets hope we get all the pieces on the right shed.

Merry Christmas to all who have been reading my blog.
May you get your hearts desire.

You will have to excuse the mess from next doors build :(


  1. It has been wonderful watching the house grow and wishing you all a great first christmas in your new house, may there be many more....and a prosperous new year.....

  2. Thank you very much. I'm sure we will have many more to come :)
