Tuesday, September 15, 2009

In the beginning.....

In the beginning(April '08).......our son got a new puppy, a Bernese Mountain Dog. They are soooo lovable, that in the end we decided to get one as well.

January '09 we took possession of our own puppy; Mia. Within a few short weeks we realised we had a problem.

Question; What does a small townhouse + a rapidly growing large dog equal?
Answer; Moving!!! or Mia's Folly.

You guessed it, there just was not going to be enough room for her as she grew, so as any sensible/responsible owner does, we started looking for a new abode.

We first thought about buying established but we couldn't find exactly what we wanted in both the house or the land. So let the hunt begin.....it was a very short hunt!

Love the internet, so much easier to hunt via the web than trapsing all around the countryside, we took a leap of faith from our sister-in-law and checked out Porter Davis who she had built with in the last 3 years and had no complaints at all.

Had our eye on a magnificent 2 storey house, the Windsor, so off we choofed to Mernda Village to have a look. As I said, the house was magnificent, but who wants to clean 5 bathrooms every week...certainly not I! So while we were there, as you do we went through the other 3 houses they had on display, and there she was......Mia's Folly...more commonly known as the Hayman 34. It was love at first sight for both my hubby (Tony) and myself, everything about it suited us down to the ground.

Off to talk to the Sales Consultant...got prices for a standard build and a "all bells and whistles" version.

Yes, we thought, this is it, now, where to build! Decisions, decisions.....land cost would play a big part on what "bell' or what "whistle" we could indulge ourselves with. Most of the land we looked at was just not big enough or perched on the side of a mountain......so, where did we end up buying land...Wallara Waters at Wallan.

1 comment:

  1. <----rita yay I am the first visitor!! How cute is baby Mia??
