Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Up the Garden Path...part II.....

Well, today while dodging the rain, the sideway of the house also had its path done...trouble is, cos it rained last night and quite heavily at that, the ground underneath was soaked, so as the crushed brick was layed and compacted it had the effect of making the ground spongy...or more like you were walking across a sway bridge...the compacted brick was firm, it was the clay/ground underneath that wasn't...hopefully with the next four or five days of sunshine the ground will dry out and become firm.
The pile of crushed brick out the front is probably 2/3rds gone now.  After Adrian has moved out the plan is to dig out the current sandstone path from the Alfresco to the Spa and replace it with crushed brick.

As promised pics from both today and yesterday

Path to the dog shed

from the dog shed back towards the  house

this area will have the clothes line eventually installed

back yard looking towards the front of the house

from the front looking back towards the back of the house...just inside the gate you can see where the water is seeping up through the clay

One day i will get around to finishing painting the side fence...one day.

Must say....Tony has worked like a trojan to get the paths done...THANK YOU dear  :)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Up the Garden Path....

Finally, work restarted on the paths in the back yard.
Boy! was it hard work.
Firstly the paths had to raked to try and level them out....then it was off to the front yard to shovel the crushed brick that has been sitting there since Feb into the barrow...back to the back yard...empty the barrow...numerous times...rake the bricks out...level it...water it...then use the wacker on it.  Repeat this process multiple times....argghhhh...back breaking work...
This was started at 8.45am...stopped at 4.45 (due to the fact that is was about to rain)....and yes...tomorrow is more of the same, even tho it is supposed to be showers all day.
Also got some dirt for the corner garden, now to buy some vegitation to put in there.

Pics will be posted tomorrow after the sideway has been done.